AL5 industrial group
Al5 industrial group. The extrusion leader in Russia
AL5 industrial group is a reliable supplier and the leading manufacturer of aluminum profile in Russia. Since 2002, the company helds a leading position in the market and manufactures profiles using the extrusion method of aluminum ingots of Al-Mg-Si system.
Since its foundation, the company is distinguished by striving to perfection in all fields of activity, dedication to the development and implementation of the most advanced technologies, high compliance with customer needs.

is a light-weight, strong material with high resistance to environmental impacts.
In its practices, the company strictly adheres to the principles developed through the years, which allows to meet customers' needs.
Due to such approaches, the speed, stability and compliance to the highest quality standards are achieved.
Thanks to more than 400 client companies, new types of goods are constantly introduced. The company is constantly developing, researching and implementing new technologies, modernizing technical facilities, striving for the modern and most optimized manufacturing solutions.
At the moment, the following company specializations can be identified as:
- Рrofile production in accordance to customer’s drawings and samples
- Production of systematic constructional profiles including warm profile
- Production of complex thin-wall profiles
- Profile export
days per year
Aluminum packaging: foil
The use of aluminum foil in various fields of production and everyday life demonstrates its versatility and effectiveness as a packaging material.